Saturday, April 23, 2016

Easy ways to lose weight

Ok, everyone wants to lose weight but some people have trouble getting started or don't know where to begin. This is it. Click here to kick start your weight loss.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Can you say quads? I want more meat on my legs but wow, that's a bit much

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Hey if you like any of my posts, please click the G+ button at the bottom. Thanks!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Checking in

Well I'm at the end of week 2 and so far I haven't really noticed any changes. It's a little uncomfortable when I cross my arms as if there were more muscle there than I'm used to, but I'm just not seeing it in the mirror. As far as weight gain, I've vowed not to check until the end of the cycle. The biggest change I've noticed so far is irritability. I've been quite bitchy lately but it could be in my head. Anyway, I'll check back in after a while and post my progress.